By Kaia Ryden on June 24, 2024

Arts and crafts have always been a big part of my life. Ever since I was little, all I would do is create, create, create. Something I picked up very quickly and have kept up with until now is crocheting. If you don’t know what crocheting is, it is merely working yarn together using a hook.
I absolutely love crocheting because you can be as creative as you want to be while working up something in your hands. Crocheting is often stigmatized as a “grandma hobby”, but it is on the rise for many Gen Z such as myself. My grandma taught me how to crochet when I was about 7. At the time, I didn’t like it that much because I wasn’t as good as she was. Now that I’m older I realize that learning how to crochet takes patience and time.
I started out learning how to make little squares, and eventually moved on to making things like hats and scarves. Once I was good at crocheting, I could learn how to make shirts and skirts and how to follow alpha patterns to make graphic designs. This process took me many years, because I would be turned on and off the hobby for a while at a time, but for many people nowadays it can be a streamlined process.
I think that crochet is an awfully rewarding hobby because you can use the things you make immediately afterwards. Here is a list of some of the things you can make to use around the household:
- Dishrags
- Hand towels
- Potholders
- Wash cloths
- Table runners
- Blankets
- Pillows
- Coasters
- And more
There are so many more things that you can do, and all the patterns are accessible through the internet. Here are some more things you can make:
- Shirts
- Skirts
- Shorts
- Pants
- Headbands
- Bags
- Gloves
- Socks
- Sweaters/cardigans
- Hats
- Steering wheel covers
- Small decorations
- And more
The possibilities are literally endless! You can also make toys and stuffed animals, baby blankets, baby clothes, and anything else you can think of. I have even seen someone make a couch for their cat!
Another thing I appreciate about crocheting is that you can use material that you already have. Do you have any extra T-shirts that you don’t use? You can cut them up and make a rug or a bag out of the T-shirt yarn you have just created! You can also cut up plastic bags and create mats that you can give out to the homeless so that they have something to sleep on. And if there’s a project that you’ve already done but you don’t like how it turned out, you can unravel the yarn and use it for a different project.
Crocheting is so versatile, and I love all the things I can create with it. If you let your creativity take control, there is absolutely no end to what you can create. And that’s why I think you should crochet. Let loose, and let your creativity run wild.