Put your portfolio online

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If you are a studio arts or writing major—or a student who has done a lot of class projects—a portfolio website will surely help you showcase your work to clients and prospective employers.

There are two ways to build your own portfolio website. The easy route? Use website builders like WordPress, Squarespace and Wix.

If you do not have much experience in programming, use the website builders to create a clean, fully working website within minutes. At the basic, free level of service, you will get a link to the website, your choice of themes, and easy drag-and-drop features.

Premium versions cost $5-20 a month, but they include a custom domain name, unlimited storage and a security certificate. I recommend Squarespace for its modern, minimalistic and beautiful themes.

A tougher, but rewarding, route? Build your own portfolio websites by learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Mastering the basics of website development has never been easier. HTML and CSS are two of the simplest programming languages to learn, and JavaScript is also quite forgiving.

Lynda.com and YouTube are full of tutorials for these programming languages. Firefox Developer and w3schools.com are also good resources for beginners.

If you want to go take an academic approach, register for ICS 225, Web Design and Implementation. The class is offered every semester at Metro State.

By using these languages to create a custom website, you demonstrate your web design skills and have a place to post your portfolio online. You show prospective employers that you’re the total package.

Once you have your files ready for website, you can also make use of GitHub pages. Paste your files in a directory and, within minutes, you’ll have a website with the domain YourName.github.io.

Need more design inspiration? Check out BestFolios.com, an archive and collection of the best portfolio websites of students, interns and freelancers. The site also offers beautiful resume templates to complement your impressive portfolio.